Looking for a date in Crowthorne? Find local singles online. Start online dating today with UrbanSocial, and find local singles in Crowthorne looking to meet that someone special.
If you're single and finding dating in Crowthorne not that easy, you're definitely not alone. That’s why so many single men and women are using trusted online dating sites to help them find love. UrbanSocial has been helping singles in Crowthorne and across the UK find a relationship since 2003.
There's no shortage of dating sites and apps to choose from these days. But UrbanSocial has over a decade of experience in making a success of online dating. helping genuine like-minded singles meet each other online. Our award winning dating blog also provides singles with help and dating advice on all aspects of single life and relationships. Sign up now and start your online dating journey with us.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Crowthorne are from the following areas - Crowthorne, Berkshire and counties and towns in the area
Lee Gunney, 45 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire
Craig, 51 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
Leshawn, 64 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
ChrisR, 42 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
Sipadan, 50 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
Natasha, 48 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
Nicki, 54 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Bucking...
Jo , 52 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Oxfords...
Deborah, 54 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Oxfords...
Lucy, 43 Near Crowthorne, Crowthorne, Berkshire / Oxfords...
... begin?
I'm a friendly and outgoing guy, who likes to socialise and spend time with people... whether this be on a big night out, over dinner or just sat on the sofa watching a video. I'd like to think that I am relatively straight forwards i.e. you know what you are getting; if i'm in a good mood you know, if i'm down you now...
While I enjoy work, I hate to have this take over and thus make as much of any spare time that I have. Whenever possible, I'l...(more)
... I enjoy a good laugh. A good sense of humour, active and self motivated would best describe me!
I am 5'6 and am quite slim. I am studying for a Masters at present but still have time for a night out to the theatre, cinema or the local pub for a quiz or just for a drink.
I have to confess to enjoying Strictly and X factor but don't watch much tv. However enjoy Attenborough and tv dramas.
... woman wants...
I have an ideal man in mind (what woman doesn't) but would consider myself to be quite open and accepting of others. I'd say I've achieved a lot in my life (so far) and am fairly interesting. I certainly don't have a lengthily list of these achievements but can say that I'm proud to just be me.
I moved from SA to the UK over 5 years ago, have lived in Norway for a year, did rowing for a year and consider myself a fairly adventurous woman, who is ...(more)
... no matter what is the mood always happy, that what i learnt from my job and life, life is for living, like frank sinatra and luciano pavarotti, like women who is sincere and loving and caring.
... bloke living in Crowthorne. Fun, love to laugh and can hold a decent conversation. Honest, hard working and out to enjoy life as it's just too damn short. I'm not mean, I am generous and I enjoy cooking a BBQ. Definately not a snob. I can (and most likely will) make you laugh at least once a day
... loyal lady. Varied interests, easy going nature and good listener. Can be a little shy in big crowds but conversely can be the life and soul if comfortabl� with company! I don't like people who are not honest, can't be bothered to play games and am very rusty at 'dating'!!
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