Looking to find that someone special in Leicestershire? Join us today and start meeting singles near you!
Helping singles find like-minded people they might fall in love with is why we started this dating site. That was back in 2003, and since then UrbanSocial has been helping singles across Leicestershire and the UK find love online dating with us.
Our members are important to us. To make sure we provide the best dating service possible, there is a dedicated team checking the authenticity of all members joining the site. Our strict data guarantee and privacy policy also ensures personal data is always protected.
Singles from Leicestershire joining UrbanSocial are given access to a wide range of tools and features that make finding local singles fun and easy. At any time of the day, members can communicate online using a private messaging service whether it's on their computer, laptop, phone, or mobile device.
Our dating members are also able to benefit from our award-winning dating blog, a huge resource that gives expert tips and advice on a range of dating topics, from what to say in your first communications online with a potential date, through to outfit suggestions when going on your first date.
The landlocked county of Leicestershire is most well known for it's farming, Red Leicester cheese and Melton Mowbray pork pie. With such a rural lifestyle, it can be hard for single men and women in Leicestershire to find that someone special in their life. However, single men and women from all over Leicestershire are successfully meeting other singles online. From Leicester to Loughborough, Hinckley, Wigston and Coalville, singles are connecting with like-minded local singles near them. Is it time you joined them?
Making the best start in the world of online dating begins with choosing the best dating site in Leicestershire for you. Not all dating sites are the same, so it's important to choose the most suitable site that is likely to introduce you to the sort of Leicestershire singles you're looking to socialise with.
> Mature Dating
> Adult Dating
Singles in Leicestershire that are ready to take the plunge and meet up for a date just need to choose the ideal date spot. Drinks or dinner are the usual date choices, but if you feel a bit more adventurous, then why not try one of these date ideas in Leicestershire.
A fail safe for all weather, head over to the National Space Centre, and explore the galaxy, stars and all things out of this world together. With lots of events on throughout the year, look out for the astronomy evenings, for a spot of romantic star gazing. National Space Centre, Exploration Drive, Leicester.
For a good weather date, take in the beautiful Leicestershire countryside. Meet up at Foxton Locks, and explore the network of towpaths, sampling some of the local pubs along the way. Maybe even hire a boat and navigate the canals together. Foxton Locks, Market Harborough.
For something a bit more unique to the usual drinks date, why not meet up in a brewery and enjoy sampling some local specialities while learning a few pub trivia facts at the same time. Take a tour, and be guided through the workings of a brewery. Sunday lunch is also available if you fancy making a day of it. Belvoir Brewery, Station Road, Old Dalby, Melton Mowbray.
To search for singles events in Leicestershire check out our events listing. We have singles events, balls, dating events, activity weekends and lots more happening.
Phil, 52 Swadlincote, Swadlincote, Leicestershire
HunkyMunky2, 45 LE18, Wigston, Leicestershire
kevinisin, 58 water orton, Atherstone, Leicestershire
love2loving, 57 LE2, Leicester, Leicestershire
mark39, 54 swadlincote, Swadlincote, Leicestershire
materialgirl, 46 LE1, Leicester, Leicestershire
Tinks1977, 47 Near Market Harborough, Lutterworth, Leicestershire
wereismysoul, 45 deal, Loughborough, Leicestershire
Urewishcomet, 41 Narborough Road, Leicester, Leicester, Leicestershire
lez zoe, 38 swadlincote, Swadlincote, Leicestershire
Noirxxx, 46 leicester, Market Harborough, Leicestershire
Leicestershire dating website for single men and women in Leicestershire looking for a trusted and reliable dating site for professionals in the local area