Looking for a date in Chippenham? Find local singles online. Start online dating today with UrbanSocial, and find local singles in Chippenham looking to meet that someone special.
If you're single and finding dating in Chippenham not that easy, you're definitely not alone. That’s why so many single men and women are using trusted online dating sites to help them find love. UrbanSocial has been helping singles in Chippenham and across the UK find a relationship since 2003.
There's no shortage of dating sites and apps to choose from these days. But UrbanSocial has over a decade of experience in making a success of online dating. helping genuine like-minded singles meet each other online. Our award winning dating blog also provides singles with help and dating advice on all aspects of single life and relationships. Sign up now and start your online dating journey with us.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Chippenham are from the following areas - Chippenham, Gloucestershire , Wiltshire and counties and towns in the area
rob, 49 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / A...
David, 56 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / A...
Brian, 47 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire
paul7019, 55 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire
Chris, 49 Chippenham, Gloucestershire / W...
steve, 65 colerne, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / W...
Amanda, 43 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Somerset / Gloucest...
siaran, 48 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Somerset / Gloucest...
Helen, 46 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / A...
brightstar, 45 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / A...
smile622, 48 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire
Heidi, 42 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire
Becky, 52 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire
Jane, 53 Near Chippenham, Chippenham, Gloucestershire / H...
... tricky to fill out but lets have a bash - Family and friends are really important to me. I work for a consultancy firm in education - so I head out all over working with school. Usual interests, comedy and live music events, salsa nights, good company and some wine. Claim to fame is that I have climbed the great pyramid.. but the photos clearly show that fashion in the 90s was not all that.
... person.Live with my shih-Tzu dog have friends from all spheres .I enjoy going clubbing and feeding the ducks dancing reading computers.I enjoy the company of people but also enjoy being on my own occaisionally.Good cook and good at washing up ! (My Dad used to dry and say reject throw it back in the water)I enjoy concerts wanted to go to see Isaac Hayes in Brum in May but not alone! I am an Aquarian best match sexually is Aries any out there??
... to make friends and get a social life. I am interested in men and women and if a relationship were to happen then that would be a bonus. I am quite independant so am not looking for the whole marriage type package, though a special person in my life would be great.
... hold a conversation, good listener, integrator, fun, happy,easy 2 b with, happy in posh frock, smart wear or jeans & sneakers or wellies in the mud! Value my friends & family, caring, honest & trustworthy. Work hard, enjoy socialising, do get lonely 4 adult company, so do like a good chat every now & again. Don't like 2 gossip, bt do like 2 know what is going on.
... playful and affectionate, so I guess in the pop-psych world that makes me both a cat and dog person ;) Do you find those "personality pointers" a bit limiting? eg how can you choose between a weekend exploring Paris or walking through beautiful coun tryside then snuggling up infront of a log fire? Thankfully there are plenty of weekends :)
The "looking for" section wasn't much use either, as that ever elusive chemistry cannot be determined no matter how m...(more)
... dependable...Enthuisastic about life, and always up for meeting new folk. Relaxing or hitting the road for a 100km cycle. Passionate about my sport, health andf fitness. But can be found lying horizontal with a good feed, good wine and laughing so hard my sides feel like they are going to split.
I've just recently left the rat race of London in search of some fresh air and a better lifestyle, so definitely a country bumpkin and happy messing about ...(more)
... friend, generous with my time. I am funny, sometimes flirty and can be feisty! I have 2 beautiful children who are very important to me. I am looking for friendship that maybe turns into more. A man who is funny, a good listener and caring is a must. I play tennis, go to the gym and am a general taxi for my kids! I love good food, eating out and enjoying new experiences with special people.
... anything, to anybody. I have a relaxed outlook towards life but im certainly not so relaxed that i dont care about things. The idea of waking up in the morning and going somewhere excites me. It doesnt matter where you go or what you do, to me its the doing it that is the point. Which is why i like to be with people who are non-judgemental and secure enough to be themselves.
... old who is the exact opposite to what women tend to hate in men. If you're looking for a macho firefighter sorry not me, but if you want tenderness and tokens of affection then maybe.
... in my life with someone really special.
I am open , honest, caring, bit naughty sometimes.
Chippenham and Gloucestershire dating website for single men and women in Chippenham and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail