Writing The Perfect Online Dating Profile

Technology may have moved on from the days of Cyrano de Bergerac, but the power of the written word hasn’t. If you’re looking for love online but not sure how to get the best out of your dating profile, it’s actually pretty simple. You just need to learn a few tricks on how to write the perfect dating profile.
Today, the dating scene is dominated by apps with a focus on photos, but your words still matter. Making sure you know how to create the best online dating profile photo you can for your dating profile will grab attention, but if you’re looking to make a real connection, you also need to make sure you write the right things.
By approaching your dating profile with the mandatory minimum amount of information, you won’t spark the imagination of the type of person you’re hoping to meet online. So, crack those knuckles and get ready to write a dating profile that’ll see your inbox blow up with these four handy tips.
1. Be Real, Be Positive
In the year of ‘Fake News’, people are now scrutinising what they read online more than ever before.
The same can be said of your dating profile.
That’s why you need to kick things off by focusing on your most positive characteristics. Be truthful and concentrate on what makes you you. Are you loyal? An extrovert? The life and soul of the party? Quiet? Creative? Or curious? Help your reader get to know you a little better without making grand, hard-to-believe claims.
Our Advice: Write your profile when you’re in a good mood, and ask a friend for help. They’ll pinpoint the qualities you perhaps can’t see yourself.
Write Like This: “My friends describe me as warm, caring, and generous. And when I’m not bribing my friends, I’m exploring the city, reading in coffee shops, or people watching in the park.”
2. No Room for Negativity
With that in mind, no-one wants to attend a pity party when they visit your profile. Steer clear of negativity when writing your online dating profile.
By starting off on a downer, requesting that certain types of people don’t contact you, you’ll come across as bitter, conceited, and generally lacking any self-awareness.
Our Advice: Stay positive and focus on attracting the right type of person, instead of dissuading the wrongs ones from contacting you.
3. Don’t Be Superficial
The very best thing you can do when writing your online dating profile is to focus on your ideal partner’s character and values, rather than their looks or education. If you do the latter, you’ll appear superficial, which will almost certainly put off the very people you want to meet.
Don’t mention the height, weight, intelligence or interests of your dream date. Rather, discuss traits you find attractive, such as loyalty, sense of humour, or love of the outdoors.
Our Advice: If you focus on values, you’ll have better luck connecting with people who share them!
4. Prepare to Share
Now is not the time to be shy. When you sit down to write the perfect online dating profile, you need to be ready to open up. This doesn’t mean you should overshare and pour your heart out, but you can’t rely on the bare minimum piquing anyone’s interest either.
Offer examples of the activities you enjoy. Don’t simply write that you enjoy ‘exercise’ or ‘travel’ when you could discuss your love of mountain biking, swimming, or weekend city breaks in Europe in a little more depth.
Our Advice: When you add some detail to your profile, you give potential dates an ‘in’ when they send a message, e.g. “Hey! I love pineapple on my pizza too…”
Write Like This: “I’m looking for someone who shares my love of last-minute travel adventures, but is also equally at home curled up next to me with a good book and a nice, warm coffee. You bring the biscuits.”
Bonus Dating Profile Tip – Spelling & Grammar
Spelling mistakes, bad grammar, and textspeak are all often mentioned as major turn offs – don’t let your own profile fall foul. Use spell-check, and ask a friend to cast an eye over it before you hit ‘publish’.
The care and attention you give your dating profile will shine through – and when the right person reads it, they’ll be excited to respond. Happy dating!
Now sign up today and get writing your dating profile on Urbansocial.com!