Who pays for the first date?

First impressions are important and when it comes to paying the bill on the first date then it’s often the man who accepts the responsibility. But should this really be the case in these modern times?
Who pays for the first date is probably one of the most debated topics in not only the dating world but also when it comes to discussing gender equality. After all, if a man pays for the first date then surely that undermines feminism?
Well, the last thing anyone wants to do is to end the evening in an awkward manner and rowing over whose getting their wallet out is one way to ensure that happens.
So, the best way around it is to decide before you set out ordering your meal. Say something along the lines of…
“I’m happy to pay or if you’d like to split the bill then that’s good with me”. That gives your date the chance to offer to pay or agree to split the bill so that there’s no surprise at the end.
Generally, even in 2015 it’s usually best to let men pay, after all, the pay gap is still blatantly obvious. And in most cases the man wants to pay for the first date. In a poll last year conducted by LearnVest and T.D. Ameritrade, 55% of men said they thought the guy should take the check. As Mendez explains, many men feel fulfilled and accomplished when they see an opportunity to provide, even if it’s in simple ways like paying for a drink.
So, offer to contribute at the start and maybe buy him a drink or too but don’t make a big thing out of it if he wants to pay. There’s always date two for you pay your way.
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