How to get out of the inbox…

Online dating is, well, all about being on line. However, there comes a point when you need to get out of that inbox and out in to the real world.
If you’re really serious about meeting the next man in your life then waiting a month just chatting online isn’t going to work for anyone. So here are just a few tips to get out of that inbox and in to the nearest pub where you can start your road to romance.
Keep it personal. Even if you are chatting to several different guys, try not to send the same pre-written message out to them all. It’s quite obvious when people do this and if you want the chance to meet this person in, well, person, you have to be sincere.
Try to keep messages quick. I’m not talking one word answers here but save some things for talking about when you meet. There’s nothing worse than having nothing to say, especially when you’re nervous and meeting someone for the first time.
Exchange details by the third message. Let’s not waste your precious time here. If you think they sound cool, ask for a contact number and get going. It’s always worth using a pay as you go sim for potential dates, that way when you’ve found mr Right, you won’t have old contacts keep texting.
Arrange a phone call before a face to face. In box messages don’t tell the full story. Arrange a phone call and you’ll get to see how your personalities mix together.
There’s no point in wasting each others time if you’re not going to be in to each other, so the best way to do that is to get out of the inbox out out on a date. Even if someone is perfect on their profile, when you’re face to face you may miss that vital spark so why not get to know if that spark is there sooner rather than later?