How to avoid the friend zone

No one wants to be placed in the friend zone. That magical place is very rarely a mutual decision. In case you’re not aware what the friend zone is, let me take a moment to explain. The friend zone is a place where someone who despite wanting a relationship has been told that they are better off friends. Basically, the worse place in the world.
So how can you avoid the friend zone?
Flirt. There’s a reason you’re in the friend zone and it’s probably not because you’re a terrible person. Be a bit of a flirt, flirting is fun and it allows you to be “interested” without risking having your heart broken. I t’ll also help you work out what the other person is thinking so you’ll know whether it’s wise making a move or not.
Just go for it. Just ask him out, what’s the worse that can happen? If you fear rejection then you’re never going to move forward. Show him you’re a confident chick and just suggest going out for a drink.
Don’t let rejection put you off. Rejection is awful, no one likes it and it can of course make you want to go and crawl away and hide under a rock. But just because they’ve said no now, doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for the future.
Refuse to even step foot in the friend zone. When you develop feelings then it’s the worst feeling in the world to know that they don’t feel the same way. It’s horrible. But can you really be friends with that person? Seriously? If the answer is no, then just walk away from that situation. Because going in to the friend zone will make you feel so awful that it’s better you just cut your losses and get over the heart break before it takes too much of a toll on your life.
It’s so hard to be with someone when you want to do nothing more than just BE with them. So make a promise to yourself that you’ll put your heart on the line, ask them out then move on if it doesn’t go your way. Whatever you do, unless you’re prepared for just friendship then just stay well out of the friends zone.