Romance by Sarah Jessica Parker & Matthew Broderick
We love to find out dating tips from celebrities. Especially, when it comes to Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick who’ve been married nearly 20 years. And in showbiz, that’s basically eternity.
One of my favourite pieces this week is from the New York magazine. They did a feature on ‘Late Night New York’ which interviewed a bunch of different celebrities about their late nights and one of the featured couples was Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband Matthew Boderick.
Have a read – it’s super sweet…
Sarah Jessica Parker: Before we were married, we used to walk a lot because time didn’t matter.
Matthew Broderick: If we had a fancy outing in midtown, we’d walk all the way home to Tribeca.
SJP: One thing that Matthew used to do to me, he used to walk me with my hand over my eyes…
MB: I led you, and the rule was you had to keep your eyes covered.
SJP: And he would walk me into completely random places and take my hand off my eyes and I would be in the most strange, unconnected-to-the-previous-spot places. I would be in the lobby of a residential apartment complex, or a Starbucks, or at the very door of a tenement that I obviously couldn’t get into.
MB: You’re like listening and trying to figure out where you are, and then when your eyes finally open, boom, you’re two inches from a lamppost.
SJP: He would spin me and sort of make me lose my bearings.
MB: The first time it happened, we were somewhere near Union Square, and…
SJP: We ended up in the lobby of Zeckendorf Towers. I was very delighted by it. I think the reason we remember it is that it paints a portrait of a time that, for many couples, they don’t have anymore. There’s a sort of leisure, before more grown-up responsibilities dictate your life.
MB: New York has so many close-together, completely different, crazy things you can suddenly be staring at after a five-minute walk from one spot to the next. You’re in a totally new environment.
Do you go walking with your other half? Tell us your romance tips on twitter @urbansocialcom