50 Ways To Be Romantic On A Budget – Part One
With Christmas fast approaching it can be hard to find the money for those romantic dates with your partner. But you don’t need heaps of money to show that you’ve got a romantic side.
This list contains a lot of obvious stuff — you could probably come up with twice as many good ideas yourself. But the list doesn’t aim for originality — it aims to be an inspiration. Pick and choose some good ideas, or use it to spark some of your own. Sometimes we just need a little reminder.
Here are the first 25 ways in which you can be romantic whilst on a budget.
Write a poem.
Cook a romantic dinner.
Give a full-body massage.
Pack a sunset picnic.
Pick wildflowers on the way home.
Burn a CD with love songs.
Give chocolates.
Read poetry – together.
Prepare strawberries with fondue chocolate.
Snuggle together on a rainy day.
Leave little love notes everywhere.
Send a love email every day.
Take a long walk on the beach.
Snuggle together while watching classic romantic movies (Casablanca, Audrey Hepburn are my favs).
Get good bottle of wine.
Take a bath together (use bubbles!).
Bring home good coffee or a decadent dessert.
Take a walk down memory lane — visit some of the special places from your early days of dating.
Make warm chocolate cake for dessert.
Make a scrapbook with photos, mementos, and little notes from you lives together.
Kiss in the rain.
Ride a ferris wheel.
Sneak away from a party and make out.
Bring home great take-out, and light some candles.
Fix something or fix up the house just to make your partner happy.
Part two will be on Thursday. What do you do for a romantic night when you’re short of money? Tweet us at @UrbanSocialCom