5 signs you’re heading for a second date

Of course there is no absolute way to know whether your first date will lead to a second date – no matter how amazing (or dire) it was. However, there are a few things that we can say are usually a pretty good sign that you’ll be seeing each other again.
There are no distractions:If you’re on a date with someone whose constantly checking their smartphone or responding to texts then chances are that you’re not really hitting it off and they’re not that interested in what you have to say. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, if the person involved in the middle of some crisis but if it was that bad they probably should’ve cancelled.
Just one more drink: If your date just doesn’t want to say goodnight then it’s great news. However, if you feel as though you’ve had enough just say you’ve got to go, no harm in leaving them wanting more!
You’re having fun! First dates are awkward. Regardless of the situation, at some point you’re going to feel nervous and awkward. However, if you realise that you’re actually having fun then it’s all good.
You get a goodnight text the same night: If you get a text to check you’ve got home ok and to say that they’ve had a great night then the next step is definitely date number two.
You’ve have a bit of contact: A simple brush of the arm or a goodnight kiss is a great sign.
Don’t worry if none of these situations arise because your next date could be just around the corner.