4 Reasons Every Man Should Date A Cougar

The idea of younger men dating older women isn’t a new phenomenon, but one that’s become much more recognised and talked about over the last few years. TV shows like Sex and the City and Cougar Town, together with the growing list of female celebrities dating younger men has to no doubt contributed to the rise of this dating trend. A quick search on Google or Instagram for Cougar Dating will show how popular it is these days. But why would younger men go for a mature woman? Here we’ll give you 4 reasons every man should date a cougar.
What Is Cougar Dating
Cougar dating is defined as an older woman – the cougar – dating a younger man – sometimes called the toyboy. Cougars are not to be confused with MILF’s – older women who are mums (mother I’d like to F***k).
The cougar dating trend does in fact have a biology background to it. Women are more likely to hit their sexual peak later in life compared to men who hit theirs in their 20s. So the idea of older women craving a younger man who can keep up with their sexual desires is understandably a thing. This, together with the rise of female independence has also reduced the need for women to only desire men who can support them. The decline in gender roles has meant women are more much more free to find partners that aren’t based on age. It’s no wonder so many men are looking to meet a cougar to connect with these days. Below are the 4 reasons every man should date a cougar.
4 Reasons Every Man Should Date A Cougar
Younger men are attracted to mature cougar women for a number of reasons. Sexual experience and a more mature attitude than their same-age counterparts for example. But below, we give 4 reasons why every man should date a cougar.
1) Cougar Women Come with Experience
Mature women have more sexual experience, and that can only work in your favour! Forget having to turn out the lights or being asked if their bum looks too big. Cougar women know themselves, and they know what they like and don’t like. They’re confident in their bodies and are looking to enjoy sex with a younger man.
2) Cougars Know Their Mind
Older women won’t be afraid to speak their mind and tell you what they want both in the bedroom and out. Cougars won’t have a problem taking charge of a situation. They are also less likely to be clingy or emotionally immature with a purely sexual based relationship. A toyboy would also be hard pushed to find a mature cougar who would over-analyse text messages, want to take them shopping for baby clothes or have that chat about where this is all going.
3) Cougars Play it Safe
Cougars are mature women who have had their fair share of sexual experience. Older women have already been through the years of the highs and lows of partners, sex, break-ups, and general dramas. They’ve moved on from this, and are confident mature women with high sex drives. You can be sure that they won’t make mistakes when it comes to getting pregnant or catching STD’s. They’re mature enough o know how to handle good sex properly and safely.
4) They’ll Give you Perspective
If you’ve not dated an older woman before, you’re likely to get more than a good time in the bedroom. Cougars bring with them life experience, and perspective. Hanging out with people of the same age tend to bring with them similar views and interests. But an older woman is likely to bring a different perspective into your life, not necessarily just about sex.
These are just 4 reasons every man should date a cougar, but there’s plenty more. Dating a cougar might challenge you to see things differently, giving you a different outlook on life and sex. Dating a cougar will take every man on a journey, which is why every man should date a cougar, at least once in their life!