3 Dating Tips for Irish Singles Looking for Love

As another year draws to a close, singles across Ireland will be taking stock of how their love life panned out and setting their sights on the new year. The Emerald Isle is home to thousands of singles who will be actively looking for love again. But are Irish singles really looking for love in the right places?
According to Ipsos MRBI and the Irish Independent, 200,000 people in Ireland have a Tinder account. But while many spend hours swiping right and left each week, it hasn’t necessarily brought singles together for a meaningful relationship. So what can Irish singles do differently in their search for love this year?
Anna Cooney of Irish dating site UrbanSocial.com has 3 top dating tips for Irish singles moving into the new year. “Online dating sites are a great tool for singles to connect with other local singles they might otherwise never meet. But it shouldn’t be the only way singles now try to meet each other. Face-to-face interactions are still so important”.
The ever-increasing reliance on our hand held devices for almost everything nowadays sadly means people need to interact less and less with each other. Fewer and fewer singles are meeting potential partners through real life encounters, opting to stay behind the safety of their screens. But all too often, messages can become slow and flaky and lose momentum, meaning potential couples don’t even get to the point of meeting up. For 2020, singles should be concentrating their efforts on meeting each other in person, and finding opportunities to put down their device. These dating tips for Irish singles looking for love are a perfect guide to doing just that.
Top 3 Dating Tips for Irish Singles Looking for Love
1) Get To A Dating Event
The only true way to find out if you have a connection with someone is by meeting them in person. You know quite quickly if sparks fly. Dating events are a real no-brainer for Irish singles. They force you to meet a number of like-minded singles in one session in a relaxed and fun environment. Everyone there is in the same boat, making for minimal awkward silences or embarrassing moments. “There’s really no reason why any single shouldn’t try a dating event at least once. Go alone, take a friend or organise for group of you to go” says Anna. “It’s much easier than trying to meet singles in a bar or club, as you know everyone there is single.’
Check out EventBrite for the latest dating events in Dublin, Limerick, Galway and across Ireland, or speed dating companies like 2Connect or dinner dating events by Table for Six.
2) Strike Up Conversation
This goes for things you do online and offline. By making the effort to communicate with more people than you usually would opens up opportunities, connections and friendships. “In offline situations, smile more, make eye contact and don’t fear rejection. Look up from the screen and see what’s going on around you. So many opportunities are lost these days because people are looking down at their phone rather than the world around them” explains Anna. Why not ask someone in the coffee shop what they chose or crack a joke about the queue you’re in.
With online dating, put a bit more effort into striking up proper conversation with a potential match. Instead of typing, ‘Hey’, ‘what’s the craic’, ‘how you doing’, include some conversation starters and questions. These will immediately encourage people to respond back to you.” explains Anna.
3) Take Up a Hobby
It may sound cliche, but it’s something a lot of adults are missing from their lives these days. As we grow up, hobbies and interests can get pushed aside for work and other life commitments. But not only does it improve your personal development and mindset, it also provides access to a whole host of like-minded people you have something in common with. Whether it’s a sport, hobby or interest, finding time to devote to something you enjoy has a whole host of benefits. Whether it’s a book club, running club, craft or cooking club, find one local to you, and get involved. You never know who you might meet. Check out Meetup for various local groups near you.
Dating tips for Irish singles looking for love don’t come much more simpler than that. So whether you’re dating in Dublin, Galway, Cork or anywhere in Ireland, instead of swiping this year, put down the hand-held devices and try some a new approach to finding love.